What's 21st Century Learning?

   Hello everyone,
       Here I am again. Today I will mention about 21st century learning. What’s 21st century learning? Do you have any opinions about it?
        Before class, I had some opinions about it but they weren’t clear or approved information. Let’s get started with newly taught  information and clear opinions. 21st century learning is basically being able to think critically and also being creative. 21st century learning and innovation skills include especially “critical thinking, communication collaboration and creativity”. These 3 themes are essential in order to ensure the students to be succesfull in a world where information develops itself day by day. But of course these are not the only things. Because education has such a wide scale that it contains numerous factors. In 21st century, learning never stops. There are so many things to learn about and most of them are connected to each other. For instance, 21st century learning was developed with the help of totally different people with different jobs such as education experts, business leaders etc. The outcome of this association is still used all around the world. Also, learning and innovation skills are what separate students who are prepared for increasingly complicated life in today’s world and those who are not. Thus, just like I said before all the things are important and connected to each  other in 21st century learning as well.
         To sum up, we can say that 21st century is the era when students are excepted to be in the center of the class but of course with the help of the teachers who are adapted to the technology. Also, students should be aware of their individual capacity, skills and needs as well. So, basically 21st century and its qualifications matters.

    Melisa Kaya


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