A Different Perspective | Flipped Grammar Teaching Video


        This time I am here with the Flipped Grammar Teaching video that me and my partner, Elif Bostan, have created for the Material Design in ELT class. We have used the site named Explee for the video making process. Explee is an animated video editing tool that gives impact to your ideas. At first it was hard to do, as the system of the site turned out to be different than the others. But we believe that we have done a good job. We have overcame all the obstacles and produced a fun flipped grammar teaching video. 

        We hope that the final product will be fruitful for the students that will learn through the video in and out of the classroom environment. In the video, we not only used some grammar points but also we used some characters to make it fun. So that we could get the attention of the students easily. The grammar topic that we have chosen is Present Continous Tense. We have given clear-cut information about it in the video, as this is a fundemantal topic for the base of the students' English learning process. 

Me and my partner worked for the video collaboratively. While planning, we have done brainstorming to get the best result that we could have ever gotten. The sounds that we have added on the video challenged us in a negative way, but managed to make them right by working hard on the video. It wasn't hard to overcome those problems, as we shared the work equally and helped each other whenever we needed. 

        Besides the video,  we have also created two beneficial handouts to make the subject much more clear for the students. In the beginning the handout includes the brief introcution of the subject, so that the students could remember if they happen to forget anything. After the introduction part, we have included different types of activities from fill in the blanks to choosing the correct answer. We hope that the students will like and enjoy doing them! I will attach the handouts below.

        You can find my partner's blog post here.

                                                                                                   See you next time!


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